Shanghai ChinaJan 3 1880My Dear George I really have not time to write you in answer to your letter of Oct. last but I must send a line, if but a line. Promptness and punctuality are necessary to correspondence. I am always grieved and disappointed…
[Letter from Mary Allen to Mellie Allen, May 27, 1875]
Shanghai ChinaMay 27th 1875Mellie darling, I did not think that I would allow another mail day to come without having written to you a long letter, but so I have, yet Mellie dear you must not think I love you any less. I have been…
[Letter from Young John Allen to an editor, December 31, 1869]
ShanghaiDec. 31, 1869. Mr. Editor: Your paper always makes us glad with great joy. It never fails to bring us good news — “news from the churches;” and I sometimes almost envy those brethren who are able to see the work of the Lord…
[Letter from Young John Allen to his (adoptive) parents, December 22, 1869]
Shanghai, ChinaDecember 22 1869. My dear Pa and Mother You see from the date of this letter that it is only three more days to Christmas, but you will not receive this til sometime in February- It has been a long time since…
[Letter from Young John Allen (recipient unkown), December 21, 1869]
ShanghaiDec. 21, 1869. Physically helpless, her mental force abated and her morals decayed, aged and inert, had her mountains and plains, lakes and rivers, been as little amenable to the laws of gravity and motion as she to progress and development, the Pacific Ocean would…
[Letter from Young John Allen (recipient unkown), September 15, 1869]
Shanghai, ChinaSeptember 15th, 1869. I have just baptized today Chu lien Sung, the literary graduate, of whom mention was made in a former communication. The day was beautiful and nearly all the members were present, together with several probationers, and the baptism and the communion…
[Letter from Young John Allen to the “Shining Stars”, June, 1869]
Shanghai, ChinaJune, 1869. To the “Shining Stars” Having already told you something about the great extent and populousness of China and the utter ignorance and degradation of its multitudes, I shall now attempt to anticipate your exclamation: “Watchman you have told us of the…
[Letter from Young John Allen (recipient unknown), March 14, 1869]
The letters of Bros. Atticus G. Haygood and George G. Smith have nerved my heart to do and suffer yet more and greater things for Christ’s sake. Bless God for such friends, and in such places. I need them much,…
[Letter from Young John Allen (recipient unknown), February 18, 1869]
Shangai,China In the absence of somethinig better to send you frm this almost terra incognita, I venture to enclose two short articles relative to the Tallow Tree and the Spermaceti or Wax Insect. My connection with the two Chinese newspapers necessarily brings to my knowledge…
[Letter from Young John Allen to the Church Board, December 9, 1868]
Shanghai, China,Dec. 9, 1868. Missionaries are constantly arriving from England and America. Scarcely a month passes that does not chronicle an addition to our forces. The interior is gradually becoming occupied, and the aspects of our general work all along the coast line…