[Letter from Young John Allen to George Gilman Smith, Jr.]

[Letter from Young John Allen to George Gilman Smith, Jr.]

Shanghai ChinaJan 3 1880
My Dear George

I really have not time to write you in answer to your letter of Oct. last but I must send a line, if but a line. Promptness and punctuality are necessary to correspondence. I am always grieved and disappointed when my friends do not respond heartily, promptly.

I know you will rejoice at the success which has attended the opening of my new church. I have been having an old revival time. Sinners slain, and the work of the Lord made manifest in healings [gap 1 word illegible]power [unclear] . It does seem strange to [added] see these heathens tremble [unclear] & work. But I must refer you to the Wesleyan for particulars. What a [gap 1 word illegible] work the dear “Georgia Brother”

has done for our China Mission in giving us this magnificent little church. You know him full well and I wish I dare tell you his name that you might commune with him. He is a man whose soul is in sympathy with the Cross of Christ.

What a grand time you had in the mountains. Perhaps you will be there when this reaches you as I see that more than one has suggested that you would be the right man in the right place if sent there to put some things right, etc. I was so sad to hear that the great, & proud old patriarch had gone at last, and how sad to think that the Bishop was absent. I could almost work [unclear] in sympathy for the blind man, for I dearly love Bishop Pierce. Pardon this haste there is absolutely no alternative. God bless you my dear George & all your family [unclear] .

Ever Yours,
Young J. Allen

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