E. C. Oxford Geo.March 5th 1857My Dear Mollie Last night, began a response to your letter and thought then, that perhaps I might be able to write you without much trouble or delay, but I could not finish last night and it so happens…
[Letter from Young John Allen to Mollie Houston, February 19, 1857]
E. C. Oxford Ga.Feb. 19 1857My Dear Mollie, I take this opportunity, as I have not time to write a regular letter, to address you a few lines. I should long ago, have written again, but tantalizing hope, kept suggesting that I should get…
[Letter from Young John Allen to Mollie Houston, February 14, 1857]
“Don’t view this with critic’s eyeBut pass its imperfections by.” NightEmory College. Oxford Geo. Feb. 14 1857My Dearest Mollie, Not more joyfullydid Ahab the words of the Old Prophet fall upon the ears of Ahab, announcing “a sound of abundance of rain”, after…
[Letter from Young John Allen to Mollie Houston, January 28, 1857]
E. C. Oxford Ga.Jan. 28th 1857My Dearest Mollie, With many thanks to a kind and obliging Guardian, and doubly many to your worthy, indulgent and generous President, for the honor conferred and the fond privileges granted us, –which I trust shall be improved happily…
[Letter from Young John Allen to Mollie Houston, November 01, 1856]
E.C. Oxford Ga.Nov. 1, 1856 My Beloved One I do not deem it necessary, this evening, to vindicate the long silence and delay which I have indulged, by any lengthened apologies or…
[Letter from Mary Houston to Young John Allen, October 23, 1856]
Grantville, Georgia , Oct. 23rd 1856. My Dear Young Your letter was, if possible, received with more than usual warmth for I was not a little anxious to hear from you notwithstanding I of course knew the cause of your delay– And you were…
[Letter from Young John Allen to Mollie Houston, October 10, 1856]
Emory College, Oxford Ga.Oct.10 1856 My Dearest Mollie You are, doubtless, aware why it is that my delay has been so protracted this time, and consequently I shall not attempt any apology, believing as I do, that you are as generous to forgive and…
[Letter from Young John Allen to Mollie Houston, November 17, 1856]
Emory College, Oxford Geo. Nov.17th 1856 My dearest Mollie. Yours of the 14th inst. mail was received on yester eve with a welcome of kindness and pleasure which belongs to the greeting of thy letters alone. It arrived Saturday morning but I was absent…
[Letter from Young John Allen to Molly Houston, September 16, 1856]
Emory College, Oxford GaSept 16, 1856My Dearest One, Doubtless the torturing pangs of anxiety and suspense have already begun to lay hold on your heart, from my already too long delay; be assured, however, my procrastination proceeds from no vindictive feeling, or retributive motive,…
[Letter from Young John Allen to Molly Houston, September 10, 1856]
Emory College, Oxford Geo. Sept. 10 1856 My Dear Mollie, Three weeks ago tomorrow I wrote you a short letter, and hearing of your excuse for not replying sooner, I waited two weeks, and then addressed you another, since which I have now waited…