CopyShanghai ChinaNov 19th 1866 My dear Dr. Thomas, In a letter to Dr. E H Myers dated August 28th 1866, I notified my intention to forward at an early date some relics and specimens of Chinese Art & Literature as a contribution to the…
[Letter from Young John Allen to Rev Mssrs Hall & Innocent, November 19, 1866]
ShanghaiNov 19th 1866Rev Mssrs Hall & Innocent, At our recent Quarterly Mission meeting, a resolution to invite the return of our native brother Hu (Wu) Ung Ti, who has been for some time an assistant in your mission, to be stationed…
[Letter from Young John Allen to Dr. Myers, August 27, 1866]
Shanghai Aug. 27 1866 My dear Dr. Myers In a previous letter I promised you some particulars as to mission work in China- Since founding that then we have received a communication from Dr. Lehow, the Secty of the Board of Missions …
[Letter from Young John Allen to Brother Yates, July 25, 1866]
My dear Bro. Yates, Your Proposition at once so simple and comprehensive and (so analogous in) the terms suggested so analogous to those used in our own vernacular, meeting alike the wants of the Press and the Pulpit, and harmonizing, or compromising, without…
[Statement of mission finances compiled by Young John Allen, July 20, 1866]
Enclosed I send you a full statement of the Mission finances, including all all monies borrowed for which the mission is liable- Exclusive of the Bible and Tract funds which Bro Cunningham transferred to the Girl , Miss account in…
[Letter from Young John Allen to Dr. McFerrin, July 19, 1866]
Shanghai China July 19 1866 My dear Dr. McFerrin “The China Mission still lives,” said the College of venerable Bishops in their recent address to the Genl. Conference, “and we recommend it to your fostering care.” Those thrilling words have reached us freighted with…
[Letter from Wright M. Carter to Young J. and Mellie Allen]
Barnesville, Pike Co. Geo Southern ConfederacyMay 6th, 1861My Very Dear Cousins in China, Although it is doubtful whether you ever get this or not, I will take the chance and start it. Since I wrote you before our country has been in a perfect…
[Letter from W.M. Carter to Young John Allen, February 18, 1861]
Barnesville, GaFebruary 18, 1861 My Very Dear Cousin, Doubtless you are expecting a letter from me as this reaches you. I have been thinking for a month that I would write, but have been waiting to get our business properly arranged so that I…
[Letter from Young John Allen to his parents, January 6, 1861]
Shanghai, China, Jan 6th 1861My Dear Pa & Ma. I ought to have written you a birth-day letter– I know you will be glad to hear from me anytime, however, so I will write the sooner now as I did not then– I wish…
[Letter from M.H. Allen to Unknown]
200 Mulberry St N.Y.December 15th 1859My Dear Friend. For sometime I have been thinking of writing you, but it is hard to say farewell; I have put it off therefore, till the last. I am sorry now however, that I did not write in time to receive an answer.…