[Letter from M.H. Allen to Unknown]

[Letter from M.H. Allen to Unknown]

200 Mulberry St N.Y.December 15th 1859
My Dear Friend.

For sometime I have been thinking of writing you, but it is hard to say farewell; I have put it off therefore, till the last. I am sorry now however, that I did not write in time to receive an answer.

We arrived in N.Y. the last week in November, expecting to sail the 1st of this month; but we have been waiting all this time, and are waiting still for the vessel to get sail [deleted] ready [added] . We have had too much stormy weather as to interrupt the lading of the vessel. This morning it is stormy again, so we may be detained in this place several days longer. But I have been pleasantly situated and patient. Our stay here has indeed been exceedingly pleasant. We have met with warm receptions. We could not have been more hospitably treated in one of our own Cities. I have met with and formed the acquaintance of most of the eminent members of the Northern Methodist

Church, men and women; and have been greatly benefited by their society. I will give you the names of some — Bishop James, Drs. Durbin, McClintock, Bangs [unclear] , with [deleted] and their wives; also Mrs Olin [unclear] The widow of Dr. Olin [unclear] , Mrs Dench [unclear] ; besides a number of others.

I have found the state of feeling between the North & South quite different from what I expected. These people are all warm hearted Christians — faithful followers of the [deleted] Jesus of [deleted] Christ; and I love them for I love God’s people where ever I meet them. We held a very interesting Missionary meeting in St Paul’s Church Monday night a week ago, at which time I had my little Mellie Christened. I presume you will see an account of it in the advocate, much better than I could give you.

God has given me wonderful courage in these my great trials, for I pass account for my cheerfulness in no other way. He alone knows how much I love my friends, and how badly I hate to leave them; but I go in His name, to do His work. May He give me peace and strength to perform it faithfully.

I think I shall be happy in China because I believe it to be my duty to go there: I know I shall if I can have the privilege of hearing from my friends now and then. You & Mrs. Smith will grant me this privilege I hope. Had I remained at home I should have visited you annually, as it is I may never see you again. But be this as it may, we may meet, and I confidently believe will meet in Heaven. What a happy meeting of friends that will be.

You know I used to talk to you sometimes about enjoying the blessing we call sanctification. But it matter not by what name we called it. I believe you have enjoyed the blessing, and therefore know what it is. I do not enjoy this blessing so much now as then; but I long to enjoy it again in all its fullness. I think and feel if this were the case I would be better prepared for usefulness. I want you therefore, to remember me especially in your prayers, and Mrs. Smith to do the same. I used to talk to you about any religious condition with more freedom than with any one else, for I knew your

Christian heart, and knew that you would sympathise with me. If I could see you now it would be such a relief to me to tell you all my feelings. I have lost not a particle of my admiration for Mrs. Smith. You may say to her that the attachment I formed for her while in College is lasting, and that I will be most happy to hear from her at any time. Elvie [unclear] is in the City. She looks better than I ever saw her; she will return home Monday next.

Please write me immediately; I may possibly receive the letter before we leave. You will please direct your letters to this City in the care of D. Terry — He will forward them with our papers. Vessels will be leaving this port for China every month.

Farewell my Dear Friends — May God bless you, and prosper you. Yours ever faithful
M. H. Allen.Address
Mrs Y. J. Allen
Care of D. Terry—
200 Mulberry St.
New. York.

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