[Letter from Young John Allen to Mellie Allen]
ShanghaiAug 8th 1880
My dear Mellie,
Your letter of Aug 6th has just come to hand. How quickly it made the route [unclear] . I was beginning to think that you had forgoten me, and might also forget the mail. I am very glad you have written to Mrs. McGavock. I have enclosed your letter with mine and hope the matter will now be definitely settled. A lady, Mrs. W.P. Pattillo wrote me by last mail and said that she had seen Dr. Wilson, our Missry [unclear] Secretary, who told her that a lady had already proposed to him to become responsible for your support as a missionary. You see therefore that a great deal of interest is attached to your action in the matter.
The attempt to strictly conform to their bye-laws in the matter of engagements may cause some embarrassment to the Woman’s Board, but I hardly think they will let the opportunity of engaging your services slip altogether. You may therefor get up all the strength and health you can while away for when you come back you will find plenty to do.
The Church has not been so crowded with women since you left. Many still come however and look around with a good of bewilderment for you and the organ. Last Sunday some very respectable wives [unclear] came in. There was also a very beautiful little girl that I wished you could see. She is going to a day school and can read I believe. When you
return you must look her up. There is plenty of work now open for you among the women and I think you can get access to the better classes when you come back. You must try. Well, we have been singing on our own account. We got the words right, but I cannot vouch for the tune. The people came to see and many staid [sic] . Last night we had a very good congregation. One young man joined us on probation. There are now 45 names on the list.
I am having holiday this week. It is very quiet and cool at home. I enjoy the lone part as much as you do the absent part. I never saw such fine weather. It is just like May. Has only rained once since you left. I am glad you are enjoying yourself. Had two letters
from Máma. Sent up all your things this p.m. for Shi Hae-an cf Rev. Mr. Greenwood.
Will attend to the payment of the acct. Mrs. W. gave you.
Hope to hear from you again soon. Take good care of yourself and of Máma. Be a good girl.
Give my love to Maggie and Kim [unclear] and regards to Mrs. Williamson. Tell Maggie I should be delighted to have her pay us another Christmas visit or rather one to embrace the Christmas and N Year, in other words to have her finish out her former visit.
Love to Mama and all the dear babies.
In best [unclear] — Ever
Your Afft Papa
Young J. Allen
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