Japanese Consulate General Shanghai, July 29, 1895Rev. Y.J. Allen D.D.L.L.D. My dear Dr. I thank you heartily for your kind letter and the information of the present whereabouts of my old freind , Mr. Whang. I have already written to him and…
[Letter from Tsung Cee Then to Young John Allen]
Diocesan School Hong KongJune 1895My dear Dr. Allen, Since your departure for the United States, I left the Anglo-Chinese College and Returned to Hankow for a year. Afterwards I came to school, on March. I proposed to re-enter the Anglo-Chinese College but my father told me…
[Letter from Geo. Bell to Y.J.Allen, March 25, 1892]
Oxford, GAMarch 25, 1892My dear Doctor; Your kind and thoughtful letter of the 24th Feb. reached me last week and I must acknowledge it at once. I am so glad that you allow me to write any details or chestnut to you. Everything in Oxford goes…
Letter from Warren Akin Candler to Young John Allen, February 6, 1892
Letter from Warren Akin Candler to Young John Allen, February 6, 1892 President’s OfficeOxford, Ga.,February 6, 1892My Dear Dr. Allen: Yours of recent date has been received. Tsoong-Kia Tsin came in on good time and is fully at his work. He is not altogether as intellectual as Yun but is making a good impression. Yun…
[Letter from Tsoong-Kia tsing to Young John Allen, December 24, 1891]
Oxford, Dec. 24, 1891Rev. Y. J. Allen D.D. My dear Teacher, Since I left San Francisco, I have had a very pleasant trip across the Continent and had no trouble at all. I enjoyed the trains so much. I arrived Atlanta last Saturday and…
[Letter from Tsoong Kia Tsing to Young John Allen, December 10, 1891]
916 Washington StreetSan Francisco, Cal.Dec. 10th, 1891 Rev. Y. J. Allen DDDear Teacher, Since I wrote you the last one in Yokohama, I had a pleasant trip across the Pacific ocean. I arrive here last Sunday morning, but I was kept…
[Letter from T. H. Yun to Young John Allen, September 12, 1891]
Oxford — 9/12 — 91.Rev. Dr Y. J. Allen. My dear Doctor; After having visited nearly 30 different towns–most of them small–in Va, Tenn, Md, and Ky, I am here. I came by Atlanta the day before yesterday; and am sorry that I…
[Letter from George H. Bell to Young J. Allen, April 3, 1891]
Shanghai, Apr. 3, 1891.Rev. Young J. Allen. D.D., My dear Teacher, Language itself cannot express my gratitude for the goodness and kindness that I have received from you, since I first entered your College, in 1884. I was as one who did not…
[Letter from T.H. Yun to Young John Allen, November 8, 1890]
Vanderbilt: Nov. 8th: 90.Rev. Dr Allen My Dear Sir; I have the pleasure of acknowledging the receipt of your welcome letter of the 23d Sept. a few days ago. Many thanks for the interest you take in my education. As to the choice of…
[Letter from T. H. Yun to Y. J. Allen, April 1, 1890]
T. H. Apr. 1st “90.” Rev. Dr. Allen My Dear Sir, I owe you two kind letters. Thanks for both. It gave me pleasure to meet Mr. Marshall here. He addressed the boys of the Hall twice to say nothing about his speeches…