Montreal: May 18, 1911Dear Mellie, I did not go by San Francisco, to see Ethel — felt I could not stand the fatigue of the journey. We have had a very pleasant trip so far, and have met with much kindness from travelling companions. We have stood the…
[Letter from Young John Allen to Mrs. Pattillo]
The image of Buddha is bronze- It is 54 ft. high and there is a temple in its body for worship.Shanghai, ChinaOct 14 1906 My dear Mrs Pattillo, Only six weeks, and lo! I am at the antipodes – the ultima of distance from you, and a…
[Letter from Young John Allen to church leaders from the SE region]
Atlanta, GA 7/11, 1906My Dear Brother: I take the liberty of addressing you on the subject of this letter because I am assured you have both the disposition and the and the ability to do liberal things in promotion of the Kingdom of…
[Letter from Young John Allen to his wife]
Atlanta, Ga. March 15 My darling wife I rcd a telegram yesterday summoning me to Washington and I leave here today at noon. An arrangement has been made for me to see the president and the senate committee and I hope something may be done towards hastening…
[Letter from Young John Allen to Tsoong Kia Tsing, Februray 27, 1906]
On Board T.S.S. “Dakota” in Mid-PacificFeb 27th 1906My dear George — Your letter of Jan 1st reached Shanghai after I had left but caught me up at Kobe, Japan. So I brought it on with several others to be acknowledged at Sea. We…
[Letter from Young John Allen to Hon. W.W. Rockhill, December 11, 1905]
TELEGRAPHIC ADDRESS: “DIFFUSION SHANGHAI.”Code : Ager’s General and Social. EDITORIAL STAFF: Rev. YOUNG J. ALLEN, D.D., LL.D. Editor Review of the Times. Rev. W. A. CORNABY, Editor Chinese Weekly and Christian Review. Rev. DONALD MACGILLIVRAY, M.A., B.D. Rev. W. GILBERT WALSHE, B.A., Recording…
[Letter from Young John Allen to Rev. George G. Smith, January 20, 1901]
Shanghai, China,Jan. 20th 1901 My dear George, I am not due you a letter but write because I feel moved to do so. Your recent article in one of the papers, about our old friend R. W. Bigham , I think…
[Letter from Young John Allen to his daughter, August 24, 1898]
Animdel Hotel, LondonAugust 24th, 1898 My darling daughter, When I wrote Ma’ma last I promised that I would write next to you. So now I avail of this muggy day, no unusual one by the way in London, to fulfill briefly that engagement. You…
[Letter from W.A. Candler to Young John Allen, February 8, 1896]
Emory CollegeOxford, Ga. W.A. Candler, Prest. H.H. Stone, Treas.Feb 8 1896 My dear Doctor: Your letter reached me about the time Bishop Haygood was dying. The funeral services followed, & many cares arising from his death. Shortly afterwards I was taken sick &…
[Letter from Geo H. Bell to Young John Allen, February 3, 1896]
Oxford GaFeb 3rd 96 My dear Doctor, As Miss Haygood leaves Atlanta next Saturday for China, I will write you a line and send it by her. We are sorry that she has to leave us, for she had been a wonderful instrument…