[Letter from Tsung Cee Then to Young John Allen]
Diocesan School Hong KongJune 1895
My dear Dr. Allen,
Since your departure for the United States, I left the Anglo-Chinese College and Returned to Hankow for a year.
Afterwards I came to school, on March.
I proposed to re-enter the Anglo-Chinese College but my father told me that he was afrid of your not coming back, & so nobody would look would look after me, so entered this school.
I dont like this school at all, compared with my old school. Now I wish you would entice my father to take me away from this school & to again go to your College.
Has Mr. Bell come back from United-States yet? Please answer my letter as soon as possible. With best regards.
I remain YoIurs obediently,
Tsung Cee Then
My English name is Edward Jenkins.
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