[Letter from Young John Allen to Mollie Houston, September 23, 1857]

[Letter from Young John Allen to Mollie Houston, September 23, 1857]

Oxford Geo.Sept. 23d 1857
My Beloved Mollie,

I do not propose writing you a letter this morning, but simply to address you a few lines that I may apprise you of a visit intended to be paid you soon by one of your most particular friends. I suppose from the arrangements made you may not be disappointed if you should hold yourself in waiting about friday morning– for the down train. You need not trouble yourself however about going down to the cars, for the way to the house is well known &c.

Look out for the engine

I have no news further, only I am patiently awaiting your pleasure to write me.

My Dearest One, I often think of you, and can hardly bear the idea of not seeing you again till next summer. And shall I, must I, can I?

John Leah has now returned to Oxford and is staying with me.

Pardon me for not giving the name of your friend, it is desired to be kept secret.

My love to all,–My Dearest
Thine Own
Young, Ever

Now Mollie, w’ont you
write to me soon?

But wait till your friend comes and then you can give me a full account of all things.

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