[Letter from W.A. Candler to Young John Allen, February 8, 1896]
Emory College
Oxford, Ga.
W.A. Candler, Prest. H.H. Stone, Treas.
Feb 8 1896
My dear Doctor:
Your letter reached me about the time Bishop Haygood was dying. The funeral services followed, & many cares [unclear] arising from his death. Shortly afterwards I was taken sick & am still confined to my room — liver enlarged.
This explains the delay of my answer.
Before this reaches you Miss Laura will have seen you & given you full account of his condition & of his departure. It is all very sad, & yet it is better that he should go than linger paralyzed for several years. He died as we might fall asleep.
I have read the pamphlet report & have marked some passages for newspaper use. I hope
I may be able to help you but have not promise for certain. I have upon me just now several large accounts I am pledged to raise soon.
There are many signs of returning prosperity in the United States just now. Congress is the worst obstacle in the way of better times. With better financial conditions the Mission Board will surely be able to overcome its debt & go forward.
Your work thrills me. It is not for a day. It will tell for centuries, & what that great ice-berg called China melts, as it will, it will found you helped to move it into the Gulf Stream of
Christian warmth.
Bishop Hendrix is moving to inaugurate the Corean [sic] [Korean] Mission. That will not hurt the work in China.
I believe [unclear] we would have done far more if we had enterprized more work. Our policy has been too timid to arouse enthusiasm, &I fear will be until some of the “Conservatives” as they call themselves pass out of influence with the Board.
When you called for 150 Missionaries the cry ought to have been taken up & pressed. That looked like business & Christianity in earnest.
I find it hard to justify on either the principles of business or the principles of the Gospel the policy we have followed for the last several years.
C.C. Jarrell and A.M. Pierce will go to the foreign field whenever the church will give the word. And they are two superb young men — healthy, pious & intellectual. Both A.B. men from Emory.
The college continues to prosper, & other young men wish for the foreign field.
I hope the college work at Shanghai may escape the dangers you fear.
With love from all to all,
I am yours affectionately
W.A. Candler
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