[Letter from Tsoong-Kia tsing to Young John Allen, December 24, 1891]
Oxford, Dec. 24, 1891
Rev. Y. J. Allen D.D.
My dear Teacher,
Since I left San Francisco, I have had a very pleasant trip across the Continent and had no trouble at all. I enjoyed the trains so much. I arrived Atlanta last Saturday and Dr. Lewis received me warmly. I stayed at his home 3 days. Dr. Lewis gave me a suit of clothes. We both went
down to Geo Muse store a bought a suit of clothes. Last Sunday I dressed Chinese dress and went to the Sunday School and Mr. Memphill, who is the Supt of the Sunday School, introduced me to the S.S. and placed me on the platform and I read few verses in Chinese. All the boys laughed at and their little blue eyes looked at me as something was curios [sic] [curious] . At 11 Bishop Haygood preached us a very
nice sermon.
My railroad ticket costed $57.75 and left me $17.25 for the other expenses on the way — such as lunch basket, wagon hire, &c. When I came here I had about ten dollars left.
I came to Oxford day before yesterday. Dr. Candler said I can board at Marvin Hall. My room mate is a nice Christian youth & I shall like him much. I feel little lonesome today
because all the boys have gone home. Yun has gone to Atlanta.
I have not seen any professors yet except one. One of the German professors came today and invited me to the Xmas dinner tomorrow.
All the boys here like me much and are very kind.
Will write again when I am somewhat settled. Meanwhile with kindest regards, I am your faithful pupil,
Tsoong Kia tsin
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