[Letter from George H. Bell to Young J. Allen, April 3, 1891]

[Letter from George H. Bell to Young J. Allen, April 3, 1891]

Shanghai, Apr. 3, 1891.
Rev. Young J. Allen. D.D.,
My dear Teacher,

Language itself cannot express my gratitude for the goodness and kindness that I have received from you, since I first entered your College, in 1884. I was as one who did not know any thing. During the first two years I paid little attention to the religious instructions. But afterwards the gospel shined into my heart and I was converted and wanted to be baptized in the college, but I joined the Baptist Church because

of my old grandfather who was the pastor of that church. I have been teaching school a year in Chin-Kiang, assisted by the Baptists. But having a desire to joinyour church ever since I was first converted, I have now made up my mind to unite it provided there are no objections. I have already sent in my resignation to the Baptist Church which has been accepted. I now feel free, so I hope that you will kindly receive me both as a member of your church and also as a pupil in your College that I may prepare my-self for studying

Theology, &c.

kindly waiting for your
I am
Your obedient pupil,

Geo H. Bell (alias)
Tsoong Kia Tsing.

P.S. Herewith I beg to send you a copy of my resignation which I sent to the Baptist church


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