[Letter from T. H. Yun to Y. J. Allen, April 1, 1890]

[Letter from T. H. Yun to Y. J. Allen, April 1, 1890]

T. H. Apr. 1st “90.”

Rev. Dr. Allen
My Dear Sir,

I owe you two kind letters. Thanks for both.

It gave me pleasure to meet Mr. Marshall here. He addressed the boys of the Hall twice to say nothing about his speeches elsewhere. His 20 years’ experience makes his speeches effective and to the point. He seems to be everywhere welcomed. Hope and pray he will do much good during his sojourn in America.

The popular prejudice

aroused in this land by the Chinese coolies – Shame on China to send ignorant rabble here!!! – has something, it seems to me, to do in the comparatively cold attitude in the Church toward the China Mission. At least I have met with individuals whose manifest dislike of the Chinese fully justifies my statement.

In short I firmly believe that the strict and speedy enforcement of the Exclusion Bill will be as beneficial to America as to China. This Bill will save America from the presence of indigestible elements in her population, and leave her to enjoy the

glorious inalienable heaven-given “right of man” undisturbed. This Bill will save China from her name being daily soiled by the contempt and disgust the miserable coolies excites here; and also from being disgraced by another Exclusion Bill.

Mrs. Malsavoch has not sent me the Kwong Pau yet. I shall, however, if she sends it, try my best in translating it.

My best wishes and love to Mrs. Allen.

I remain Sir
Yours Sincerely,

T. H. Yun

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