[Letter from Arthur Allen to Young John Allen, October 15, 1883]
Oct. 15 1883
My Dear Papa,
I am going to school and am geting along very in my studies, I have altogether 7 studies a day. Mama has boardars [sic] this term and two of them are the old boys. I am now in the second year subfresh class. There are about 60 boys in my class and in the whole College. There are about 250 boys. I am now takeing [sic] [taking] singing lessons. I went to school this summer to Mr. Carney and study Latin. I am still a little behind in Latin but in all
the other studies I am up in. This summer I stayed in Oxford 2 months and the month I to Newnan to see Ant [sic] [Aunt] Monties a while and stayed 1 week there. I picked cotton for Uncle Sam one day and I picked 60 pounds for him the first time. He says that was pretty well for the first time, then I went to Lagrange and stayed for about 8 days. I stayed at Mr. Tuggles the first day and the rest of the time I stayed at the Female college for a wick [sic] [week] and a good time with the girls. There was 30 girls and ownly [sic] [only] 1 boy to stays with there and I got sort of lounsome [sic] [lonesome] .
This summer while I was at Uncle Sams I went a possum hunting with 2 of Uncles friends and Huse [unclear] went with us also. We went about 2 miles from home then one of the dogs barked and one of the negroes said bob has treed one and we went to the tree he was in it was a great big Popla [sic] [poplar] it happened to be a moonlight and we could see the possum very easy one of the negroes throughin [sic] [throwing] lumps of dirt at him and hit him on the back and he hoped [sic] [hopped] out and the dog caught it.
Give my love to my friends and tell them that I have not forgotten them yet, how are the old servants getting along with Mellie, I hope that my dog is still living yet does he still watch like he use to do. Give my love to Ant [sic] [Aunt] sweet and Uncle Fred. Ask Ant [sic] [Aunt] Sweet to write to me. Give my love to Mr. Loehr [unclear] and Mr. Wrice [unclear] .
Yours truly
Arthur Allen
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