[Statement of mission finances compiled by Young John Allen, July 20, 1866]
Enclosed I send you a full statement of the Mission finances, including all [deleted] all monies borrowed [added] for which the mission is liable- Exclusive of the Bible and Tract funds which Bro Cunningham transferred to the Girl [unclear] , Miss account in July 1861 before leaving for America, the amount of outstanding Mission debt at the beginning of 1866 amounted to only 983 taels, but as [deleted] the Mission treasury [added] at that time was [unclear] [deleted] was [added] exhausted, we had to borrow of the Mercantile Community in Shanghaito meet amt of debt then due and supply [added] current expenses of miss. [added] hoping that in the amts, so borrowed [unclear] should fall due the Board might be able to make us remittances sufficient to repay them and meet the expenses of the Miss for the future-
Our remittance has been received and part of the money borrowed has been returned [added] but we could not use it to pay out liquidate [deleted] under the circumstances to [added] retire [deleted]
repay all [added] the recently made debt; [deleted] for in that case we should have been embarrassed as much as ever; so it has been held to meet present current expenses, and we still look for a future remittance to meet the accounts which will fall due in May 1867. The amt, that will fall due in May then [added] 1867 is two thousand taels, bearing interest at 8 pec. per annum- The other amts. may continue in abeyance so far as I can see without giving rise to any grievance on the part of those to whom they are due-
In addition to the [added] amt. of in d? [unclear] which it will be necesary to meet on the [added] first of May next, there is the current expenses of the mission for 1867 an estimate of which I herewith forward.
For salaries of three foreign missionaries–tls-3400 Taels
” Native Assistant 120
” Sexton’s wages 36
” Medical service 150
” Teachers’ wages 240
” Land & municipal taxes about 32
” Incidental expenses 200
which will amount to 4178 Taels This may seem like [deleted] to be [added] a large estimate, and indeed it is, but when we consider that Shanghai is pronounced by all the most expensive place, perhaps in all the East, and that the salary of a missionary family resident here, amts to but little more than the allowance of an individual about 2500 [added]
clerk in the business community for the simple and single item of lodging and board alone per annum, it [deleted] It can not be considered [deleted] regarded [added] an exagerated [sic] [exaggerated] estimate, but as an amount [added] demanded by the necessities of the [added] case to enable the missionary to maintain his efficiency in active mission [deleted] operations. Accompanying this I also forward the folloing statements from your missionaries-
1st A personal statement of the in debt of miss to mt [deleted] Rev. M. [added] Wood for monies which he either borrowed or realized from personal efforts and used to relieve the mission during its great embarrassment
2d A similar [deleted] statement of similar import from G.W. Lambeth [unclear]
3d Also one from myself showing the amt. of personal funds used to relieve the burden of the Miss in indebtedness [unclear] The amt of Taels &c [deleted] Herewith I also enclose a statement of what the Mission is due me personally, for monies of my own appropriated in behalf of the Mission to relieve its embarrassment, and save it fromfurther [unclear] [deleted] encumbering itself further [added] by seeking a loan in the community. [deleted]
This amt. of taels 827.49 I consider the Mission justly indebted to me- It [added] but expended then But [deleted] expended in behalf of the Mission to save it from calamity then, But [added] I freely forgive all claim against the Board [added] now, and though I have shared, yea doubly shared the anxieties and embarrassments of the last four years of your Mission’s perilous history, and suffered the loss of a large part of my personal estate by [deleted] in [added] America by the war, yet I cheerfully do what I do
and with the prospect of the China Mission being sustained in the future, I [added] reconsecrate myself and my all [added] to God and his work, praying His most gracious blessing upon you, and the interests which you represent, and that the China Mission may have large favor in the eyes the heart and treasures of our beloved church and people at home
Yours Affectionately
Young J. Allen
20th July 1866
and a more glorious and successful career of usefulness [added] in China, I now enclose in behalf of the Mission & its miss [unclear] –the accompanying reports & statements, all of which is most respectfully submitted by your aff but abt [unclear] Bror in Christ
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