[Letter from Young John Allen to Mollie Houston, May 22, 1857]
E.C. Oxford Geo. May 22d 1857
My own Dear One.
It is now just one month since I received your last letter, and although I am exceedingly anxious to hear from you now, yet I am willing to wait your pleasure to write, for I know Dear One, you will not delay to write me as soon as you possibly can. If I had time I feel like writing you another letter even now but I must hasten- We have a good meeting in progress here now, and I think the prospect for a gracious revival is very cheering- Our meetings in the grove are quite interesting.
A great many are awakened, others convicted seriously, several penitents linger at the altar, only two as yet have “passed through.”I was up quite late last night talking and laboring at the altar after the congregation was dismissed, and feel somewhat the effects of it now- You must pray for us now,My Dear Mollie, that we may have as glorious and happy time at our place and in our College as you have had in Macon and your College, please don’t forget to remember you? your? ??? [unclear] but faithful one, pray for me Dearest, that I may be [added] a useful Christian doing good service for My Lord at this meeting as well for all life–
Dear Mollie, how comes it you never wrote me about your good revival and your happy times? I kept hearing from there from many and various sources; but My own Mollie, would not write me about it; I kept looking every letter to see or hear a full account of it- But when it did not come I thought, perhaps you did not have time to write an account of it; but you would save it and tell me all when we meet, yes when we meet, for that will be a happy time won’t it My Mollie Dearest, and will then want to recount all these things, well that is a good excuse- You always told me though, Mollie, what I wanted to hear most anxiously, that is, how you
are getting on, and how gracious and precious the Lord has been and is to your poor soul-
My Dear One always strive to live very near to God; let him be your most intimate and bosom companion (Christ I mean) try to live just as pure and holy, as unspoiled, and “separate from Sinners” as you possibly can- Thou art my hope, my joy, my life my peace in this world Dear Mollie, and I am determined to live for thee and unto my God alone; let us both be thus minded, Mollie, and give ourselves entirely to the work of our God, and be willing to serve him at any risk- let’s take him
as our shield and ??? [unclear] forever, and “press forward toward the mark for the prize of our high calling in Christ Jesus,” being fully assured that if our trust and confidence is in him, the Lord will not forsake us even unto the ends of the earth.-
Remember all the time Dearest, that he who has attained to sanctification, holiness or Perfect Love, has done well acted nobly, but that he who has risen in holiness has done better and is acting more wisely and gloriously- “The steps of a good man are ordered by the Lord” says David, and he delighteth in his way, and also says
he, his way, the perfect man’s way, the man who confides alone in God and makes it his meat and his drink to do his will, yes such a man’s way shineth more and more even unto hte perfect day– What a great consolation and encouragement My Dearest Mollie, it is to feel that our God, whom we have so often offended and slighted, will thus condescend to lead us and direct our steps– Oh! how humble should we feel, dilligently [sic] [ diligently] should we labor for such a Redeemer and do all we can for his cause and the Salvation of poor souls; Oh! how willing should we be to leave all and follow him even to go anywhere. Don’t you feel like you are willing My Dear One, to do that way, to bbecome anything for Christ, and to go anywhere that you may labor for him- That you are willing “to hear this toil endure the hard suffer out a few more years in ??? [unclear] Great Redeemers cause here on earth.” Yes! Yes, I thank the Lord who hath thus given you the mind of sincere resignation and entire consecration of all things to his will and service- Let us press forward My Dearly Love One, and the prize will soon appear in view and we shall quit this mournful vale and so to worlds on high and find our long sought rest, yes our long sought rest
in heaven, on our Dear Savior’s breast- Oh! “Religion is so sweet” as the negros [sic] [negroes] here sometimes sing- I am enjoying the gracious presence, and influence of the Holy Spirit, Mollie both night and day- and I never cease to pray for you that you may always be kept pure and holy unto the last day- Pray much for yourself my Dear One and be instant in season and out of season to say some good word an [deleted] do some good action for your Savior– I have forwarded you [added] by this evening’s mail two periodicals, the one “The Guide to Holiness” is a splendid thing I think and will several instances prove just the very thing you need, I am taking it now, have received only the April & May nos as yet and I design this one to serve
both of us, I will get it here and read it and then forward it to you, Mellie sent you the other one I suppose, I left it there for her to send, it is a better one that this copy if anything I think–
Have you read the Riches of Grace yet Dear Mollie? if you have not please do not, as I have often requested, neglect to do it immediately, just as soon as possible—
You will please pardon this great hash and badly written letter, for when I set out to write, I expected to write no more than a page or so, but have trespassed on my time a little and spun out more than I anticipated
Did you get the letter and things I ent you from Atlanta?
Please now Mollie don’t delay to answer the request of your faithful and devoted, Young
and write very soon write me a very long letter even if you have to roll it as I did it will be the very thing I need– Young
I received that book you forwarded all safe- Thank you, thank you Dearest for your promptness to forward it– Adieu, adieu My Sweet One
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